Who We Work With


development pipeline


years experience


capital value in operation


M&A exit transactions


junior development firms


square kilometres of solar
added to grid

Find out what your neighbours are saying about working with us

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Eu proin risus sagittis, faucibus venenatis. Urna ut vitae sit lacus, nunc cras ut. Augue tortor massa gravida vitae porttitor leo, in commodo, dictum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Eu proin risus sagittis, faucibus venenatis. Urna ut vitae sit lacus, nunc cras ut. Augue tortor massa gravida vitae porttitor leo, in commodo, dictum.

John Doe, RPP Client

RPP Testimonial Stars Icon
Proin hendrerit, odio malesuada imperdiet laoreet, orci libero mollis urna, sodales faucibus lectus ex et libero. Phasellus sed nulla risus. Nullam et maximus est. Morbi viverra finibus leo vel mattis. Quisque sit amet arcu at tortor ornare pretium a sit amet nunc.

Jane Doe Very Long Last Name, VP of Marketing, Long Company Name

RPP Testimonial Stars Icon
Nunc cursus lectus id lacus aliquam, dignissim dignissim diam volutpat. Praesent in ligula eleifend, tempus lorem id, scelerisque velit. Aliquam laoreet gravida congue. Morbi urna lacus, scelerisque quis imperdiet vel, molestie nec justo. Sed venenatis, neque pellentesque semper mollis, eros turpis rutrum turpis, vel euismod magna nulla ut tellus. Aliquam euismod sem in ex rhoncus imperdiet. In a egestas ligula, eget faucibus lorem.

Jane Doe Last Name, Company Name

Environmental results

The Earth receives more energy from the sun in one hour than the world consumes throughout the year. Recent technological innovations make it possible for us to transition towards using renewable energy instead of fossil fuel which emits greenhouse gasses that pollute the atmosphere.

Fortunately, it has been proven that using renewable energy does not contribute to climate change, so by partnering your commercial properties and farm land with us, you can safely develop solar energy projects that benefit you and your communities.

Protecting 327 acres of mature

Offsetting the emissions from 85
passenger vehicle

CO2 emissions from 6,880,000
pounds of coal

Greenhouse gas emissions avoided by recycling 3,000 tons of waste instead of sending it to the landfill

Make a difference today to generate more sustainable energy in the future

By partnering with Renewable Power Partners you can earn reliable income for 20 or more years, while providing your communities with renewable energy.

I’m a Rural
property owner
I’m a Commercial
property owner